School Innovation & Improvement Plan

Outcome goals for this academic year.

School Innovation & Improvement Plan 2023-2024

Principal – Veronica Del Bagno

Assistant Principal – Eric Painter

Rolling Valley Mission Statement:
Our mission is to facilitate, support, and celebrate every student’s success.

Rolling Valley Vision Statement:

Rolling Valley Elementary School staff will foster relationships with colleagues, students, and parents which raise the bar for academic achievement, close achievement gaps, and maximize individual learning.

English Language Arts Goal:
By June 2024, 100% of students with an English Language Learner (116 students) designation will increase by one level in communication on the Student Reading Profile, created using WIDA "Can-do" skills and Scarborough's Reading Rope skills. Data will be collected BOY, MOY, and EOY to track progress using the rubric. (EL data per grade level: -Kindergarten: 7 students, -1st grade: 9 students, -2nd grade: 14 students, -3rd grade: 14 students, -4th grade: 23 students, -5th grade: 18 students, -6th grade: 31 students).


Mathematics Goal:

By June 2024, 100% of students with an English Language Learner designation (116 students) will increase by one level in problem-solving skills focusing on student communication as listed on the Student Mathematics Profile. (EL data per grade level: -Kindergarten: 7 students, -1st grade: 9 students, -2nd grade: 14 students, -3rd grade: 14 students, -4th grade: 23 students, -5th grade: 18 students, -6th grade: 31 students).


Chronic Absenteeism Goal:
By June 2024, the Chronic Absentee percentage for students will drop from 17% to less than 11%, as measured by the FCPS Chronic Absenteeism Dashboard.


Portrait of a Graduate (POG)
By June 2024, the Chronic Absentee percentage for students will drop from 17% to less than 11%, as measured by the FCPS Chronic Absenteeism Dashboard.

For additional information regarding this School Plan, please get in touch with the school principal.